Bathmate is a penis enlargement device, with a twist! Not only does Bathmate enlarge your penis, but it also helps you keep your penis in top shape and helps you combat the onset of Erectile Dysfunction and gives you the self confidence boost you've always wanted!
Bathmate is a simple, yet elegant Penis Enlargement device that everyone can use. The reason for the Bathmates success is simple: It Works! You gain a longer, thicker penis in matter of weeks, thanks to the innovative design of the Bathmate penis pump.
The Bathmate Hydromax X30 is the ultimate in hydro-technology for penis development and health. Hydromax X30 generates 35% more suction force comparing with the first generation Hercules thanks to its unique, newly designed Bellows Pump system, providing you with better, faster gains. The Bellows system now incorporates a new soft sealing, full support comfort ring to give you reduced pressure and greater comfort around the penis base and testicle region. As an added bonus, it is also removable for ease of cleaning.
There is nothing like the Hydromax X30 from Bathmate. Its powerful, durable and above all comfortable to use!
- A new Swivel Bellows feature allows full 360 degree positive rotation to give you entire visual chamber viewing plus inclined angle change option for optimum efficiency when used in the bath or shower – or when you are using the amazing new Hydromax pleasure ring system.
- A new Super Flow Latch Valve system allows for one hand filling in the shower, making using and positioning the hydro pump much easier for you.
- A new metric and imperial guidance scale gives you improved visual viewing area, plus upper and lower texturing on the vacuum tube for better grip and control.
- The internal bellows size has been increased and the number of convolutions reduced to allow you reaching even more impressive girth expansion.
Use Bathmate in the Shower
- Loosen up in a warm shower for 5 minutes.
- Fill the pump with water. Press in the pressure valve. Keep finger over valve whilst while filling.
- Place penis inside the pump. Form a tight seal with pump and body.
- Pump and push the pump towards pubic bone. Water is ejected from the valve. Pressure starts erection. Penis is drawn up the tube. Keep on doing for 15 minutes.
- Compress main valve to release pressure. Safely remove pump.
Frquency and Duration of Use
Bathmate recommend 15 minutes per session, use the unit as often as once per day. Best results are archived by repeated inflation and deflation over 15 minute period. You’ll be simply amazed at the development in both the erect and flaccid size of your penis and it can dramatically improve your performance as well. Generally most individuals can gain between one to three inches in length with a 30% increase in thickness. The increase is in both the erect and flaccid soft state while man who are small when flaccid seem to have the fastest, most noticeable results.
Product Features
Dimensions: 16 x 5 x 5 in