Tenga Vibrators Tenga FLIP HOLE White

Tenga Vibrators Tenga FLIP HOLE White


The Tenga Flip Hole is the ONLY male masturbator to achieve such a high level of design and functionality and is easy to clean. Just flip it open, rinse and dry. Filled with silicone ribs, nubs, gates, flaps, and pumps, the Tenga Flip Hole is NOT designed as an artificial vagina…it’s far better than that. Its inside is made of elastomer which gives it an ultra-soft touch.

It has an astonishing complex inside shape. Every centimeter of it has a particular function. Its flexible casing with buttons allows a total control of the stimuli. Flip Hole is the first masturbator that can open itself completely. For this reason it’s really easy to clean and to always keep it hygienic. The Flip Hole Black’s interior sleeve is remarkably tighter providing a noticeably different feel during use than the original Flip Hole White.